i don't know if i really wanted to be seen that way or if it's because i was surrounded by fake people and thought that was a good way to be fake.
the truth is i'm a freakin open book. i'll tell you whatever you want to know, good or bad. because i don't feel like i should be ashamed of things i've said or done because i've learned specific things from each and every one. and i want to share what i've learned with friends going through similar times but i feel it's pivotal to also divulge some background so they don't think i'm some self-righteous quack.
plus people that are too guarded just get on my nerves.
do i strike you as judgmental? cause i like to think that i'm far from it. because 1) i've probably done the same thing or something similar and 2) i'm not God.
i spent too much time surrounded by fake, judgmental people. so i'm determined to be the opposite. i like being real, even when it's not pretty. and i feel like that was stifled in the past by people who judged me for being me.
awkward, uncensored, clumsy me.
but that is no more. and it only took ~27 years.
heart + sleeve