Tuesday, October 19, 2010

your new poodle could be your noodle

my mom sent me a really sweet email chronicling the day of my birth. i think i'll post it sometime.

in other news, cherry is long gone. she has been replaced by a red corolla named rosie. i miss cherry. but rosie is very comfortable. and practical. ewwwww. practical.

i meant to post this a while back but i get easily distracted (i.e. lazy). my parents are leaving the bustling metropolis of junction city for the quiet solitude of dallas. what...? do i have that backwards?

my dad started a new job a few weeks ago and mom is staying behind to sell the house. of my childhood. complete with our hand prints in the driveway from the day it was poured. and our playhouse in the backyard. the hall closet where i slept as a baby (i forget why). the chimney that santa could never fit down. the lazy susan that always got stuck on some random appliance accessory. the dining room that we were never allowed in cause the carpet was pristine (and peach. and still is). the bedroom window that i could never sneak in/out of. so i never tried.

the indoor planter that was originally supposed to be a hot tub. but instead used to be turned into a winter wonderland at christmas. with a motorized angel of some sort. and big styrofoam lollipops. and different color spotlights. willy wonka comes to mind.

sorry jan.

i don't really want someone else to live in my house.

i've had two toenails get ripped off in the last two days. that's an average of one a day.

i can haz math.


  1. whaaat! the brashears are migrating west?

    my parents are selling my childhood house (with concrete handprints). it's just not right.

  2. I am in shock! I can't believe your parents are moving to Dallas. I have so many wonderful memories of us playing at your house, and then at the barn. It's like the end of an era =(
