Monday, June 7, 2010

no fear in death

strange few days.

i got to see some ruston friends friday. there was much walking around the french quarter which led to my toes being sore. my TOES were sore...??? really strange.

dinner at upperline saturday night. grasshoppers are a delicious dessert beverage. not the actual insect. that'd be really strange.

sunday i dreamed i was riding a bicycle underwater while singing "bicycle race" by queen. really strange.

today was my first day of work. i have a big desk. not just an L-shaped desk. but a U-shaped one. and 3 windows. and 35 hour weeks. i'm tearing up right now. really strange.

today i found out that a friend from high school shot himself yesterday. he was my first boyfriend. it's really strange. my facebook newsfeed is plastered with people writing sympathies on his sister's wall. people posting memories and prayers. it's so weird and so sad. i'm not sure how i feel about it.

it's a mixture of sad, weird and strange.

1 comment:

  1. Strange feeling when something like that happens...and yeah, so, so sad.

    Nice office!! I covet the U-shaped desk! I have a desk. No L. No U. just a...lowercase l. I hope you friggin' love this new job! =D
