Monday, February 21, 2011

i will cry...

...if on that fateful day in march, i see passing scores flash on the computer screen. this needs to be over because the last few months, my wittle bwain has been conjuring up all sorts of things to do once i no longer have this monkey on my back.

"i hate monkeys." - michael scott

these are a few items on my list!

- make this wreath
- bake. bake like no one has baked before.
- learn to play some other chords besides "g" on the geetar.
- watch weeds, it's always sunny, curb your enthusiasm, entourage, how i met your mother, modern family, etc.
- make any and every thing on these blogs.
- continue my obsession with this
- see band of horses, mumford and sons and arcade fire
- thrift shop (specifically on magazine.)
- eat 5 billion bee sweet cupcakes
- watch my dog's fur not grow

that should do it. oh and read. for FUN.

please please please let me get what i want.

(name that reference)


  1. Tell me when you pass so I can cry too! It's my new hobby.

    I soooo made that wreath yesterday! It was easy as crap, only took me two episodes of Gossip Girl. I'm about to text you a pic. You'll get my pic before you read this and wonder wtf.

    I cannot wait to start watching Modern Family. Already shamelessly hooked on Entourage (Arti!) and HIMYM (Barney!) and Curbed (that show makes me cry --- from laughter.

    I want to come thrift shop on Magazine with you!! Kristin and I are always planning to go and we never do...but we will...I'm coming in May specifically for a shopping trip, so saddle up partner.

    You should look into some Wally Lamb to read if you haven't already...A little dark. I like it.

    I don't know the reference but I'm almost positive it's from one of your indie bands. Can I get partial credit for that?

    This is DEFINITELY my longest comment ever.


  2. I heart that middle blog now. And that house cleaner. I need it in my house. (I also need a clean house, but that's beside the point...)

  3. can i come thrifting with youuuu!?
