Saturday, October 1, 2011

fantasy knuckleheads

last year, matt joined a fantasy football league at work. neither of us were really into the NFL before (except for the saints!), but it was really fun. especially since he won. so i wanted to play this year.

we started a league with some friends from church that was originally 5 girls and 3 guys. so me and my friend, meredith, decided we really needed to punch it up with some girly team names. we eventually had 2 more guys join the league, but that didn't stop me from naming my team "the monistat 7." and with a current record of 0-3, i have last place firmly locked.

i usually don't have fun when i lose, but this is still fun. matt, of course, is undefeated. anything that involves some element of luck is an automatic death sentence for me. the brashears are not known for their luck.

in other news, tiny little ella biscuit had to get her yearly shots yesterday and she is beyond puny today. we enjoy laughing at her misery, which bodes well for our future children.

1 comment:

  1. Alan named his team Shrute Farms. I only played one time a few years ago...for me picking the name was the only part I had any clue what the crap I was doing. I suckkkkk!
