Monday, October 24, 2011

tear jerker

i'm not a big crier at movies. i've been known to well up during certain films (blue valentine), but mainly just if an animal died. not a human. animal.

but there have been 4 movie/tv moments that have made me cry like a big dumb homo.

i will share them with you, in chronological order:

1) ok, fine, i sobbed after i saw pearl harbor. i saw it in the theater in high school. i was misty-eyed during the scene where danny is dying and raf tells him he's gonna be a daddy. but then i got in my car to drive home and lost it. i sat in the parking lot, bellering on the phone to my mom about how they named the baby "danny" and raf and evelyn raised him together. i missed my curfew.

2) when ryan atwood left at the end of the first season of the oc. run-on sentence. but seriously. ryan does the noble thing and leaves the cohen's mansion to go raise his bastard kid. literally drives off into the sunset. but when jeff buckley's "hallelujah" starts...and kirsten starts stripping the sheets off his bed and sobbing...UGLY.CRY.

3) i was way late in seeing the shawshank redemption. but after i saw it, matt literally had to hold me, while i pressed my salty sticky face into his polo shirt. the old man that works in the prison library is released from prison. nowhere to go. doesn't know a soul. and he winds up hanging himself. this poor, old grampy hung himself. and it tore me up something good. major soft spot for fogeys.

4) friday night lights spoiler. but you see it coming a mile away so it doesn't really matter. first off, i just love matt saracen. the way he talks like his mouth is full of marbles. his patience with his schizo grandma. i want a travel-sized matt saracen. but then...when his father dies. wow. the performance zach gilford gives as he goes through the 5 stages of grief is incredible. it was a long, hard, snotty, swollen-eyed sobfest.

i have to go. i have the oven.


  1. I AM a huge movie/show it should come as no surprise that I cried on 1-3. Actually, on the first ep of FNL I cried. And I won't even pretend I haven't read all the spoilers already. Alan hates when I do that. It's a disease!!! Other ones that bring the ugly cry: Green Mile (hated it), What's eating Gilbert Grape (can't even explain why), The Sex & The City series finale (My sister and I were hugging on the couch afterwards)...

    I cried on The O.C. when Marissa died. Of HAPPINESS!

    I kid.

    I'm really about to expose myself now. But at the end of Monsters, Inc. The look on Sully's face! I did indeed cry.

  2. I HATE crying in movies. The only one I did relentlessly was The Notebook. Total ridiculous, right? It was when James Garner starts crying when his wife doesn't remember him...I grew up watching Rockford Files and Support Your Local Sheriff/Gunfighter, and to see that man cry...I bawled. Like a baby. Every time. Ugh.
