Sunday, February 21, 2010


i go from so full i can't eat another bite to starving in about 1.5 hours. worms?

i got worms.

i'm only making this post i remind myself of stuff to post about later. and in the time it took to type that sentence, i forgot some of them.

girls. i need to talk about girls soon.

and that does not make me sound like a lesbian.

saw eisley again last night and i really really really want to be their friend. they are so cute and funny and talented and following them on twitter isn't enough for me.

the band that opened for them sucked all kinds of asparagus. the bassist still had braces. the lead singer looked like an angry midget (little person, sorry). the keyboard player's fly was down. tragic. they tried to get a circle pit going...i was all like "oh no, boy" and stuff. it didn't happen cause we were crammed in that place like cattle headed for slaughter. oh and the one girl in the band looked like ellen page. "geez, bananas, shut your freakin gob."

1 comment:

  1. the circle pit thing made me cringe...i feel embarrassed for them
