Sunday, July 12, 2009


i have a sneaking suspicion that i'm being internet-stalked. i feel it...mostly in my right shoulder region

they came down this weekend to apartment hunt...yay for old friends moving to new orleans!

i still haven't uploaded the pics from coldplay off my camera yet...and in all honesty i probably won't.

i guess since it's summer time, i find myself thinking about this place a lot. so in honor of Summer 2006, here are some wrangler memories...

moneigh and i before a rodeo

last day (for the campers). this camper was from minden!

it was gansta/green day...or "gangrene" if you will

we got up before 5am everyday and this is what is does to some ppl...

buffalo hunt...or "let kids chase you around a huge pit of mud"

towers staff during orientation week

what a wonderful yet insanely difficult summer... it's been three years and i miss it so much.


  1. who wouldn't want to cyberstalk you? i know i am...sleep with one eye open, fool.

    pinecove is awesome! my friend's husband is an assistant director (i think that's his title) at one of the camps, so i got a good tour a few weeks ago. i also secretly want a camp name.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. yeah yeah yeah we are coming we are coming to live by you but necessarily to live by da bayou
