Wednesday, April 28, 2010

love and marriage

go together like a horse and carriage...

it's wedding season (who are we kidding...every season is wedding season) and i've managed to make an astute observation or two. but probably just one.

no wait. i hate taylor swift. there. that makes two.

anyway, i always found it really irritating during engagement when people would offer me unsolicited advice about marriage. how things were gonna change and "oh you're gonna love married life!" uh...well why else would people do it? definitely not for the tax breaks. you have kids for that.

so it would really annoy the piss out of me when people would do that. so i don't do that. i ask about wedding plans (while carefully avoiding the phrase "well, what i did was...") and ask what the plan is post-wedding. but i offer no musings on newlywed life.

the other part of that is something i've just noticed. like 6 minutes ago. it basically cracks me up which is the opposite of annoying the piss out of me. i like it when newlynewlyweds (we're talking less than 2 months of marriage) offer marriage advice. especially when they talk about how hard it is. am i missing something? matt and i have not had a hard time at all. we have argued about sauce at chic fil a. it was pretty serious. and he did tell me i had fat butt disease. but that's pretty much it.

we are strange in that we tend to calmly and rationally discuss issues. unless i'm pms-ing super hard and then i yell. but i feel bad later. we don't fight about money. i don't feel neglected. we have our similar interests (movies, the office, beer, food, tattoos). we spend time together but not all our time together. we have the same (apathetic) political views.

i could go on but i can feel the carpal tunnel flaring. plus i seriously doubt anyone has read down this far anyway.

my sexy man candy has a birthday on sunday. doesn't look a day over 14.


  1. He does have a case of the (handsome) baby face doesn't he? Jump out of a cake or something for him.

    Alan and I have wondered the same many people told us the first three years were the worst and the hardest. It hasn't been anything but awesome. We "argue" about video games, me adopting new pets from the animal shelter, and we usually yell at each other during the Iron Bowl.

    Ditto on Swifty...maybe she should write a song that isn't about a princess on a horse.

  2. I used to think the same thing! Why in the world do people say marriage is so hard?

    Then we had a baby. And it became hard.

  3. You aren't fully married until one of you has thrown things and slammed a few doors. Eh, maybe I just have a bad temper and live with a slob. Either way, I now understand why female black widows do what they do.
